Discuss any prescribed medical treatment. Evaluate the need for ongoing counseling or participation in support groups. Discuss or suggest dietary supple- ments including a basic multivita- min with minerals (including vitamin B and E, calcium, and magnesium) Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Follow-up Actions 77 Monitor employee status. Provide information and resource materi- als to help manage symptoms. Recommend employee develop and keep a chart or calendar for 3 to 4 months, with daily recordings of physical and emotional symptoms and menstrual cycle. Discuss healthy nutrition and weight con- trol. Eating six small meals, at regular 3- hour intervals, that are high in complex carbohydrates and low in simple sugars may be beneficial. Discuss substantially reducing and elimi- nating use of caffeine, alcohol, salt, fats, and simple sugars to reduce bloating, fa- tigue, tension, and depression. Instruct employee about relaxation tech- niques and stress management skills. Assist employee in establishing and main- taining an effective exercise program. Discuss quality and quantity of sleep and methods to improve or enhance sleep. Provide written resource material as well as referral sources related to symptom man- agement.
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