299 Supply nicotine through skin absorption Dosage varies based on the manufacturer, with some brands offering decreased dose levels over 8 to 12 weeks Provides gradual weaning from the physical addiction of smoking Dispensed from a pump bottle Relieves cravings by deliv- ering nicotine, which is absorbed through the nasal membranes Absorption is quicker than with any other nicotine replacement therapy Can be used once or twice per hour for up to 3 months Available by prescription only Delivers nicotine in a fash- ion similar to other inhalers, by a puff absorbed through the buccal mucosa Available by prescription A minimum of 6 cartridges and a maximum of 16 car- tridges should be used per day for 3 to 6 weeks Each cartridge delivers 4 mg of nicotine Delivers small amount of nicotine into the lining of mouth and gums Usual dose is 2 to 4 mg every 1 to 8 hours (lozenges come in different dose strengths) depending on personal smoking history for a duration of 1 to 12 weeks. Recommend: 1 lozenge every 1 to 2 hours, weeks 1 to 6 1 lozenge every 2 to 4 hours, weeks 7 to 9 1 lozenge every 4 to 8 hours, weeks 10 to 12 Headaches, insomnia, and/or burning sensation at patch site Mild but common include nasal and throat irritation, watery eyes, rhinitis, sneez- ing, and coughing Mouth and throat irritation, cough, rhinitis, pharyngitis, headache, and nausea Tingling at gum site Should not be used soon after a heart attack, by individuals having irregular heartbeat, by pregnant employees, or if significant medical history Medical monitoring is nec- essary for these conditions if the patch is used Use care when discarding patches to prevent acci- dental exposure of children to high levels of nicotine Should never be used for 6 months since could be addictive Underlying nasal condi- tions, allergies, or asthma Consult health care provider if pregnant or nursing or history of dis- eases listed in following column Consult health care provider for history of heart disease, stomach ulcers, thyroid disorders, hyperten- sion, diabetes, or asthma, or if pregnant or nursing Stop use after 12 weeks Consult health care provider if pregnant or nursing or have any med- ical history Nicotine Patches (Nicotine Transdermal System) Nicotine Nasal Spray Nicotine Inhaler Nicotine Lozenge
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