307 Common Prescriptive and Nonprescriptive Medications Used in the Occupational Health Setting with Standing Orders Drug Dosage Indications Contraindications Adverse Reactions Analgesics Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Anacin 3) Aspirin 325–650 mg q4h PO as needed up to 4 times per day 325–650 mg q4h PO, as needed while symptoms persist (not to exceed 12 tablets in a 24-hour period) Analgesic Antipyretic Minor muscle aches Minor aches and pains associated with arthritis Menstrual cramps Headache Pain and fever from colds Muscle aches Minor arthritis pain and inflammation Toothaches Menstrual cramps Fever persisting longer than 3 days Recurrent fever, unless di- rected by a physician Repeated use in anemia or renal or hepatic dis- ease Gastrointestinal ulcer and bleeding Bleeding disorders Employees on anticoagu- lant therapy (i.e., Coumadin) Asthmatics with nasal polyps Pregnancy Rash Urticaria Chronic use = renal Acute overdose = hepatic Gastrointestinal distress Hypersensitivity mani- fested by asthma Prolonged bleeding time Rash Nausea and vomiting Tinnitus and hearing loss Medical Director’s Signature: Date: Note:The occupational health nurse should consult with the company physician regarding standing medical orders and obtain physician’written, s dated authorization.
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