Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Follow-up Actions 56 Counsel employee on signs of anaphylaxis and actions to take. Be alert for any latent allergic reaction to allergy injection. Educate employee on signs of anaphylaxis. equipment should include epinephrine 1:1,000 solution or EpiPen, oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airways, oxygen, and access to the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) system. Review order carefully, and remove sera from refrigerator approximately 15 minutes prior to the appointment so it will warm to room temperature. Obtain employee’s written, informed con- sent for each injection. Prepare sera and give injection, using a dry-needle technique. If more than one in- jection is given, be certain to have detailed dosing schedule from the prescribing health care provider outlining the dosing interval (e.g., 1 minute between injections). Em- ployee must be monitored in the health unit for 20 to 30 minutes after injection. Document in employee’s health record the sera, dosage, date, site of injection, and any employee reaction up to 20 minutes after injection, including the measurement of any erythema and wheal. Discuss signs of anaphylaxis (include wheezing, asthmatic reaction, hives, rash, difficulty in breathing, urticaria, and facial swelling). Advise employee to seek immediate med- ical attention if symptoms of anaphylaxis occur.
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