Physical Examination Yes No Skin Skin color, mucosa pink Temperature warm Turgor normal Macules, papules Lesions Rash Nails Nail plate smooth and even Beds pink Capillary refill 3 seconds Clubbing Head Shape symmetrical Eyes Conjunctiva pink Sclera white PERRLA Disc oval, color pink Retinal vessels intact Ears Hearing Weber (sound symmetrical) Rinne (AC BC) Tympanic membrane (shiny, translucent, pearl-gray color) Nose Septum aligned Mucosa pink Paranasal sinuses nontender Mouth and Throat Lips pink, moist Buccal mucosa pink, moist Tongue pink, intact Tongue ROM intact Teeth intact without caries Tonsils and pharynx pink, without exudate Neck Contour symmetrical Veins nondistended ROM full 324 Guideline continues on next page
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