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Authors: Kurt T. Hegmann, MD, MPH; Matthew A. Hughes, MD, MPH; Royce Moser, Jr., MD, MPH




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Table of Contents

Moser's Effective Management of Health and Safety Programs: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition

Author(s): Kurt T. Hegmann, MD, MPH; Matthew A. Hughes, MD, MPH; Royce Moser, Jr., MD, MPH

The Fourth Edition of this now classic text, first written by Royce Moser, Jr., MD, MPH, and updated and revised by Dr. Kurt Hegmann, Dr. Matthew Hughes, and 26 authors, describes how to be a successful manager overseeing occupational and environmental health and safety programs by providing practical advice and guidance covering the most important elements of management.

The book equips health and safety professionals with the tools they need to be successful managers and with the essential guidance to both enhance their career prospects and be more effective in protecting the health and safety of workers.

This new edition includes three new chapters focused on Total Worker Health®, product stewardship, and establishing and maintaining a safety-first culture. Returning chapters have been revised to reflect latest advances in health and safety management. Significant changes include detailed information on –

  • Management case studies from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • How to manage different personality types within a team
  • SMART goal setting method
  • How to identify and develop talent, as well as transition planning
  • The importance of interdisciplinary coordination among and between teams
  • What to do before, during, and after meetings to maximize their effectiveness
  • The traits and behaviors that make someone an effective leader
  • Managing communication in a digital world and interacting with the news media

The difference between a professional team’s success and failure often comes down to the quality of its manager. Being a successful manager of a health and safety program requires significant thought, preparation, time, effort, and knowledge regarding leadership and management best practices.

Moser’s Effective Management of Health and Safety Programs: A Practical Guide provides real-world lessons and insights to help managers confront the specific challenges they face every day. No other book provides the health and safety manager with the guidance, expertise, and insights from authors who are true experts in their specialty.

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