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Cannabis as Medicine: Its History and Science -- eBook

Author(s): John V. Thomas, MD

Cannabis as Medicine: Its History and Science presents in two parts the historical uses of the plant as medicine and the modern, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that validates its medicinal properties.

Part I traces the spread of cannabis from its origins in Central Asia to other parts of the world and describes how it was used as medicine in ancient, medieval, and modern times. Part II presents a scientific overview of the cannabis plant with a detailed review of the scientific underpinnings of the concept that cannabis is a safe and potentially useful medicine. More than 1000 references document the peer-reviewed evidence that supports the medicinal potential of cannabis. Additionally, a useful glossary lists more than 200 terms and acronyms.

Readers interested in the history of cannabis will enjoy learning about the historical uses of the plant. Physicians and scientists can examine the peer-reviewed evidence that supports a wide spectrum of potential medicinal uses. Clinical researchers will find it valuable as a source of ideas worth pursuing in the quest for new treatments for disorders including cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, PTSD, and MRSA infections, among others.

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