41 Recommended Tetanus Prophylaxis Recommended Primary Series for Adults Dose and Frequency Give tetanus/diphtheria toxoid No. 1 0.5 mL IM initially (Td) absorbed injections No. 2 0.5 mL IM 4–8 weeks later No. 3 0.5 mL IM 6–12 months later No. 4 0.5 mL IM booster every 10 years* *A single dose of Tdap is recommended for adolescents 11 or 12 years of age or in place of one Td booster in older adolescents and adults age 19 through 64 years. Tdap is similar to Td but also contains protection against pertussis. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/tetanus/default.htm#vacc. Recommended for Injuries History of Tetanus Immunization None, uncertain, or only 1 dose of primary series 2 doses 3 or more doses Td = tetanus-diphtheria toxoid: 0.5 mL TIG = tetanus immunoglobulin: 250–500 units, depending on size and severity of wounds, presence of anaerobic conditions, or likelihood of exposure to tetanus organism. Clean Minor Wound Td TIG Yes No (then complete series) Yes No No (yes, if 10 No years since last dose) All Other Wounds Td TIG Yes Yes (then complete series) Yes No (yes, if wound is 24 hours old) No (yes, if 5 No years since last dose)
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