Definition Employee reports that she is pregnant and requests prenatal information. Prenatal health care benefits include increased pregnancy health and reduced infant mortality, maternal mortal- ity, and low birth-weight infant. Characteristics Most women feel healthy during pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, employee can ex- perience morning sickness, fatigue, swelling of feet and ankles, more frequent urination, varicose veins, mood changes, and backache. Policy All pregnant women should be under care of or referred to a health care provider. Prenatal education is integral to a healthy pregnancy outcome and can be provided at the worksite. Hazardous exposures should be eliminated or avoided. If in doubt about a potential haz- ardous exposure, consult employee’s health care provider, company physician, or Material Safety Data Sheets. Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Referral for Medical Action 31 Pregnancy and Prenatal Health 11 Preterm labor. Hypertension. Vaginal bleeding. Extreme edema. Urinary tract infection. Decreased fetal movement. Diabetes (pre-existing or gesta- tional). Severe headaches/visual changes. Decreased fetal movement. Follow-up Actions Collaborate with health care provider regarding follow-up and monitoring of employee. Counsel employee about child- birth classes. Assist employee with maternity leave explain medical insurance benefits as needed. Counsel employee about return to work or limited duty after delivery. Assess need for supportive ser- vices (e.g., breastfeeding, parent- ing skills, daycare). Refer to employee assistance pro- gram if needed. Obtain pertinent history. Discuss prenatal health promotion. Monitor employee throughout preg- nancy. Review employee nutrition habits, tobacco and alcohol use, environmental hazards, family history, medical history, reproductive history, and drug use. Evaluate employee for risk factors of preg- nancy. Conduct workplace assessment to deter- mine if modification of work area is neces- sary. Emphasize importance of early prenatal care. Explain actions employee can take to maxi- mize the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and infant: maintaining prenatal health care, eating a balanced diet, avoiding ciga- rettes and alcohol, limiting caffeine intake, getting moderate exercise, drinking six to eight glasses of water daily, and avoiding use of non-prescribed medications. Check employee weight, blood pressure, and urine and record them. Discuss signs of preterm labor. Guideline continues on next page
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