403 Index A AAOHN (American Association of Occupa- tional Health Nurses), Code of Ethics, 315–316 abdomen gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances, 86 hernias, 107 menstrual cramps, 76–77 trauma to, 161–162 abdominal thrusts, 165 abrasions, 163–164 acid burns, 195–196 acne, 49 acronyms, 385–386 ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), 244 actinic keratosis, 37 adult health maintenance, 4 adults health maintenance, 3–4 immunizations, 5–8 international travel, 231–232 Advisory Committee on Immunization Prac- tices, 101 advisory groups, 372 AEDs (automated external defibrillators), 183–185, 233–235 aerobic activities, 247 AIDS, 19. See also HIV aids for smoking cessation, 297–299 airway, 165–167, 180 alkali burns, 195–196 allergic reactions allergic rhinitis (hay fever), 53–54 anaphylactic shock, 169 assessment/interventions, 51 common allergens, 50 desensitization injections, 55–56 identification tags, 52 insect stings, 222–223 allergy (desensitization) injections, 55–56 American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN), 315–316 American Association of Poison Control Cen- ters, 280–285 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 244 American Heart Association, 233 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 250 amputations, 168 anaphylaxis, 55–56, 169, 222–223 angina pectoris, 170–172 animal bites, 175–176 ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 250 assessment. See also evaluations for case management, 236 exercise, 245 exposure to health hazards, 257–259 health promotion activities, 253, 254 nutritional, 274 for smoking cessation programs, 297 worker’s physical health, 322–326 worksite, 342–351 asthmatic reactions, 173–174 audiometric testing, 261–262 automated external defibrillators (AEDs), 183–185, 233–235 B back problems, 57–58 basal cell carcinoma, 35 behavior changes in, 245, 253 psychological impairment and, 127 biological hazards, 259, 290 bite wounds, 175–176 bleeding. See also emergencies from the nose, 194 pressure points for stopping, 164 shock, 226–227 blisters, 59 blood glucose levels, 191, 192–193. See also diabetes mellitus (DM) blunt trauma to abdomen, 161 to eyes, 197 BMI (body mass index), 273–274, 275 body mass index (BMI), 273–274, 275 bones. See also musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) fractures, 204–205, 206–207 osteoporosis, 122–123 bowel movements, 86, 87–88 breast cancer, 9–11, 10 breast history, 331 breast self-examination (BSE), 11 bronchitis, 60–61, 67–68 BSE (breast self-examination), 11
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