Nurse Leader Nurse Practitioner Nursing Clinics of North America Nursing Economics Nursing Outlook Occupational Hazards Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 368 Continued on next page Frequency Peer Journal/Periodical Published Review Purpose Bimonthly Monthly Quarterly Bimonthly Bimonthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Provides the vision, skills, and tools needed by nurses currently in, or aspiring to, leadership posi- tions. Pulls together insights from a broad spec- trum of successful management and leadership perspectives and tailors the information to the specific needs of nurses. Provides nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses and primary care clinicians with practical, cutting-edge clinical and professional information. Provides information about trends and issues re- lated to nursing. Each issue focuses on a single topic or two subjects relevant to practice, from spe- cific patient populations such as women’s health, men’s health, adolescent health, and geriatric health, to disease- specific topics such as asthma management, dia- betes, and sleep disorders, as well as updates in the fields of oncology, cardiology, pharmacology, emergency medicine, and psychiatry. Advances leadership in health care, with focus on tomorrow, by providing information and thoughtful analysis of current and emerging best practices in health care management, economics, and pol- icy making. Provides innovative ideas for leaders in the nurs- ing profession. Examines current issues and trends in nursing practice, education, and research, offer- ing progressive solutions to problems facing the profession. Business/trade magazine covering business and employment on topics relevant to occupational safety and industrial hygiene. Business/trade magazine. Provides practical infor- mation on issues relevant to occupational health and safety. Explores the multiple relationships between nurs- ing and health policy. Serves as major source of data-based study, policy analysis, and discussion of timely, relevant policy issues for nurses in a broad variety of roles and settings, and for others interested in nursing-related policy issues.
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