Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Referral for Medical Action 190 Previously unknown or recently determined hyperglycemia. Unconscious employee. Follow-up Actions Coordinate efforts with personal health care provider with em- ployee consent. Assess employee knowledge regarding illness, diet, oral med- ication, insulin administration, and foot care, and provide instruc- tion. Provide assistance and support with dietary instructions. Monitor blood glucose per stand- ing order. Discuss and monitor glycosylated (glycated) hemoglobin test or hemoglobin A-1-C test to measure blood glucose control for the pre- vious 2 to 3 months. This test should be performed at least an- nually as an indication of blood sugar control. Refer to classifica- tion chart on page 191. Counsel regarding exercise regi- men prescribed by personal health care provider. Consult with family members regarding treatment plan with employee permission. Observe insulin administration as appropriate. Assess cardiac risk factors. Determine degree of problem and stabi- lize employee. Assess employee status. If unable to differentiate symptoms from hypoglycemia, give employee sweetened beverage or any form of quickly absorbed glucose, such as sugar packets, commercial glucose products, or candy. Obtain accurate history if not already avail- able, including insulin usage. Follow protocol for measuring blood glu- cose if available. Monitor vital signs until stable. Refer to personal health care provider immediately for treatment and follow-up. Guideline continues on next page Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Referral for Medical Action
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