Conduct workplace (ergonomic) assessment with (see Ergonomic Assessment Guideline on page 240) other members of occupa- tional health team (i.e., industrial hygiene and safety). If ergonomic problems exist, explore engineer- ing changes for jobs, workstation adjustment, and administrative changes. Collaborate with employee’s per- sonal health care provider regard- ing treatment plan. Discuss exercises that might help employee. Monitor employee exercise pro- gram and other treatment modali- ties for compliance and effectiveness. Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Referral for Medical Action 145 Advise employee to take breaks during work, to stretch and rest extremities, and to restrict activity that causes an increase in pain. Provide soft splints and padded dressing as needed. Educate regarding causes and prevention of the problem and importance of condition- ing and warm-up prior to use of muscles. Review leisure time activities as potentially aggravating the condition. Guideline continues on next page
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