Educate employee about self-care of sinusitis, avoidance of environ- mental irritants, smoking cessa- tion, and limiting use of over-the-counter nasal sprays to 3 days. Conduct workplace assessment to determine exposures to chemicals, biological agents, or allergens (based on positive or questionable exposure history). Review Material Safety Data Sheets related to ex- posures and safe work practices. If exposures are present, remove employee from work area until symptoms resolve. Institute con- trol measures to reduce exposure to chemical and biological agents or allergens. If symptoms recur after a short an- tibiotic course, refer to personal health care provider for considera- tion of longer (3 to 4 weeks) course or different antibiotic. Recommend avoidance of antihis- tamines, which cause drying and thickening of mucous membranes, limiting drainage. Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Follow-up Actions 131 Provide comfort and instructions on self- care. Administer decongestant or analgesic per standing order. Encourage employee to increase fluid in- take and get adequate rest. Recommend warm compresses over painful areas as needed. Advise that use of vapor- izer or humidifier might help to thin the thick sinus secretions and loosen the mucus that has accumulated. Instruct employee to avoid forceful blowing of nose. Explain use and side effects of deconges- tants, particularly nasal sprays (e.g., re- peated use of nasal decongestants can create rebound congestion). Guideline continues on next page
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