Signs and symptoms of liver infec- tion. Follow-up Actions Collaborate with employee’s health care provider regarding fol- low-up treatment plan, including whether vaccination against he- patitis A and B are recommended. Counsel regarding high-risk be- haviors and risk for other types of hepatitis. Discuss illness process, etiology, transmission, recovery, and pre- vention methods, as appropriate, depending on diagnosis. Discuss methods of preventing blood exposure with household contacts, including not sharing toothbrushes, razors, dental appli- ances, and the like. Counsel regarding preventing sex- ual transmission and advise that sexual partners should be tested. Review Material Safety Data Sheets for chemical exposures and safe handling practices to prevent exposures related to possible liver damage. Refer employee to EAP if sub- stance abuse is involved. Advise against blood donation. Facilitate return-to-work proce- dures and counsel regarding lim- ited duty as necessary. Objectives Clinical Assessments and Interventions Referral for Medical Action 105 Determine extent and severity of ill- ness and possible etiology. Prevent transmission of disease to others. Provide education and support. Assess employee status and vital signs and obtain accurate history, including use of OTC medications (such as acetaminophen), prescription medications, and alcohol. Explore sources of exposure, both occupa- tional and non-occupational. Palpate liver to note size, shape, and ten- derness. Maintain standard/universal precautions to avoid possible transmission from infected individuals. Follow current bloodborne pathogen expo- sure control plan based on the OSHA stan- dards to prevent potential worksite exposures. Advise employee to rest and to seek appro- priate medical care. Advise employee to avoid use of drugs (including acetaminophen) detoxified by the liver. Instruct to avoid alcohol consumption. Provide information for household contacts, as well as intimate contacts, regarding pre- venting percutaneous blood contact. Advise not to take any new medications without first consulting a health care provider.
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